Saturday, 26 January 2013

16 January 2013 Current Affairs

Recruitment scam: Ex-Haryana CM Om Prakash Chautala convicted, arrested
Former Haryana chief minister Om Prakash Chautala, his MLA-son Ajay Chautala and 53 others were convicted on 16 January 2013 by a Delhi court for the illegal recruitment of over 3000 junior basic trained (JBT) teachers in the state.After the court pronounced its judgement, all the convicts were taken into judicial custody. The court has fixed January 22 for pronouncing the quantum of sentence.

Haryana girls retain U-20 hockey title
Haryana defeated Uttar Pradesh 1-0 to retain their under-20 women hockey national championship at the Gachibowli Stadium on 16 January 2013.

India to be among 3 largest economies by 2050: PwC
Emerging economies are set to grow faster than the developed economies over the next four decades and India is likely to become one of the three largest economies by 2050, says a PwC report.According to the report ‘World in 2050 The BRICs and Beyond: Prospects, challenges and opportunities’, the global financial crisis has accelerated the shift of the economic centre of gravity and China is expected to surpass the US to become the largest economy in the world by 2050.By the year 2050, China, the US and India are likely to be the three largest economies in that order, while Brazil could overtake Japan to be the fourth largest economy.

10th Knowledge Millennium Summit
President Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated the 10th Knowledge Millennium Summit on ‘Curing the Incurables – Sharing of Innovations’ organized by ASSOCHAM on 16 January 2013 at a function at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. The Indian subcontinent is home to 16.5% of the world’s population and at any point of time, it is estimated that there are over 2 million people with incurable and other chronic diseases. A majority of Indian patients have late-stage incurable diseases (75% to 80%) when first diagnosed. In recent years cancer killed approximately 5, 56,000 people in India. This is predicted to rise by 2030, to nearly 1.5 million deaths annually. World Health Organisation (WHO) data currently suggest that in India, only 35% people have access to essential medicines and Health care.Provision of universal health care is a matter of faith for the Government. The Government is looking to scale up public investment on health from the current level of 1.2% of GDP to 2.5% of GDP by 2017 i.e. the end of 12th Plan and 3% by 2022 i.e. end of 13th Plan. The President presented the Millennium Award to Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, Recipient of Nobel Prize in Chemistry in the year 2004.

Obama Signed 23 Executive Orders on Gun Safety
On 16 January President Barack Obama announced 23 executive actions on gun control laws, making them stricter,which would come into effect immediately after his signatures. One of these measures include requiring the target shooters to keep their guns locked and also to ban military-style assault weapons, high capacity magazine as well as to make the background check mandatory.Obama announced that this was his attempt to keep children safe, keeping in view the massacre of Newtown where 20 first grade children along with six adults were killed.

Indian Scientists Discovered Molecule for Cancer Treatment
A team of Indian researchers, led by Dr Sathees C Raghavan of the Indian Institute of Science at Bangalore, have identified a molecule which they claim will revolutionise the cure for cancer.The molecule has been named after “Sathees as SCR7” and a detailed account of it has been carried in the international scientific journal “Cell”.Scientists world over believe that the double strand break (DSB) of DNA is one of the most lethal form of DNA damage, resulting in drastic consequences such as genome instability, and cancer.

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