1. Wrestler-actor who died recently at the age of 84 ?

“Rustam-E-Hind” Dara Singh Read More

“Rustam-E-Hind” Dara Singh Read More
2. How is Oscar Pistorius known in the sporting world?
An athlete who would compete in London Olympics (individual 400 metres and 4 * 400relay)
3. Who will replace Mark Thompson as BBC director general in August 2012?
George Entwistle
4. Which Indian PSU bank recently setup its Security Operation Centre?
United Bank of India
5. Harvard Business Review has featured which ho me appliances maker as one of the 6th most successful sales and marketing company in the world?
Eureka Forbes
6. Which country announced 16.7 billion in extra taxes on big business and rich to meet deficit targets and balance its budget by 2017?
7. Shadow of what has been clicked by scientists with an effort lasting more than 5 years?
Single Atom
8. Name the movie shot by kannada director Arvind Kaushik in a record 2 hours.
Nam Areiali Innondhina
9. Which football team is set to file IPO in New York Stock Exchange?
Manchester united
10. Where does India stand on global innovation index rank as it drops 2 positions from
existing one?
64th rank
11. Expand FTII. (Hint: Film)
Film and Television Institute of India
12. India will sign an audio-visual co-operation agreement with which country to increase cooperation in filmmaking, screening and student exchange programmes?
13. From which part of India does Srilanka-based Mihin Lanka Airlines will operate flights
to Colombo?
Madurai, Tamil Nadu
14. Which mobile network recently launched Flat 30p plan for its customers in India?
Sistema Shyam Teleservices Ltd. which operates under MTS brand
15. Who is elected India’s 13th President?

Pranab Mukherjee Read More
16. Name the project of Mozilla which is workin g on Mobile Operating System, firefox OS.
Boot to Gecko project
17. What quantity o f wheat would be exported to ease storage crunch in India?
2 million tonnes
18. Who is appointed as Chairman for Australian and New Zealand operations by Mahindra
Edward Ted Pretty
19. Which PSU bank has waived off minimum balance criteria for savings b ank account?
State Bank of India
20. How many IPO’s worth 50,500 crores were called off in 18 months?
21. Thomas Cook recently expanded its presence in which Indian state?
22. Who will become the first Australian to compete at 7 Summer Olympics Games?
Andrew Hoy
23. Bollywood’s first superstar who dies recently at 69 ?

Superstar Rajesh Khanna Read More
24. Why is the Mohanlal star rer movie ‘Spirit’ exempted from tax?
Film creates awareness on social issues faced b y the society due to increase in liquor consumption
25. Where will the Under-19 World Cup 2012 be played and who will lead Indian team?
Australia, Unmukt Chand
26. Who is elected as President of the Indian Medical Association for Bihar state for the year
2012 -13?
Paediatrician Dr.Arun Kumar
27. Who won the Irish Open 2012 title?
Welshman Jamie Donaldson
28. Who will become the first Indian woman and 5th sportsperson to be conferred with
Lt.Colonel rank?
MC Mary Kom
29. How do we know Bob Diamond with respect to b anking domain?
Ex-CEO of Barclays
30. Name the Chief Operating Officer of Barclays who quit recently.
Jerry del Missier
31. Who released comic book based -on chef mafias recently?
Anthon y Bourdain
32. Who was named player of Euro 2012?
Magisterial Iniesta
33. Which Indian state will setup 200 hi-tech mini-dairy units to boost milk production?
34. Which Indian Union Territory has been included in Indian Science Congress
Association’s chapter?
35. What is the length of world’s longest cable-stayed bridge built by Russia?
1,104 meter link Valdivostok and Russk y Island
36. Who won against Usain Bolt in the 200 metres final event?
Yohan Blake
37. What is the budget estimates for Manipur state set for 2012 -2013?
Rs.3,500 crore
38. How man y listed companies on BSE and NSE will be facilitated with electronic voting
by their shareholders for all postal ballot resolutions?
Top 500 listed companies
39. Name the Barclays chairman who quit recently.
Marcus Agius
40. Which of India’s forest area has been added to list of world heritage sites by the United
Nations Organisation?
1,600km long Western Ghats
41. Australia is set to play an ODI against which emerging cricket nation in Middle East in August 2012?
42. Expand GGCL. (Hint: Gas)
Gujarat Gas Company Limited
43. Where is the National Electrical Summit 2012 scheduled in India?
Vadodara, Gujarat
44. Name the Baroda state’s visionary ruler whose 150th birth anniversary would be celebrated by FGI Business Centre.
Sayajirao Gaekwad III
45. Who is the Indian business person among 27 global leaders appointed b y the United Nations to eliminate malnutrition?

Vinita Bali
46. Which state boards in India are suggested b y State Bank of India to be listed?
State Electricity Boards
47. Expand NDS-OM. (Hint: Order)
Negotiated Dealing System Order-Matching
48. Who won the Mexico presidency elections?
Enrique Pena Nieto
49. People earning over what value of income should now file income tax returns
electronically in India?
Rs.10 lakh and above
50. Travelguru will be acquired by which company?
51. What value worth agreement did Egypt sign with Saudi-based Islamic Development
Bank to receive energy and food imports?
$1 billion
52. Who sworn in as the 27th Chief Minister of Karnataka?

Jagdish Shettar Read More
53. Who is sworn-in as Hong Kong leader by Chinese President Hu Jintao?
Leung Chun-ying
54. Which state recently launched a financial aid scheme for HIV/AIDS patients poor family with the assistance of Rs.1,000 per month for medical treatment?
55. Expand AIDWA. (Hint: Women)
All India Democratic Women’s Association
56. Which state will observe July 2012 as anti-dengue month?
57. Expand IIAS. (Hint: Arsenic)
International Institute of Arsenic Studies
58. Over what value of annual turnover will imp act private tuition providers to pay 12% tax out of the earnings?
Rs.10 lakh
59. Who won and retained European Championship title 2012?
60. Who won the Euro 2012 Golden Boot?
Fernando Torres
61. What percentage of growth did Nagaland register over 2011 -2012 annual plan?
62. Name the concert held in Bangkok, Thailand on June 21st 2012 to celebrate World Music
Handshake Concert
63. Where was the global agri-business meet 2012 held?
Shangai, China
64. List some of the new services which are under 12% service tax category.
Speed Posts, Express Parcels
1st class and air-conditioned travel b y railways
Travel and holiday
tickets bought from online portals
tickets bought from online portals
Taking GMAT and
GRE tests
GRE tests
Passport and Visa services
Currency exchange Mutual fund exit loads
Actors, Singers and Other performers
Entry fee for conference, seminars, workshops, sport and cultural events
Services of Fashion Designers, marriage bureaus, astrologers and numerologists
65. Which services from railways are exempted from service tax starting July 1st 2012?
Passenger fare and freight
66. What is the extra second added to UTC known as?
Zulu time
67. Who now owns a joint stake in Tata Group’s Life Insurance?
Hong Kong-based AIA Group, Tata AIA Life In surance
68. Which state’s Driving License would now indicate the person as ‘Organ Donor’?
69. Which newspaper launched its website in Chinese language?
The New York Times
70. Who has been appointed as UK government’s Chief Scientific Advisor?
Prof Sir Mark Walport
71. What is the name of the weight-loss pill approved by US health regulators which can help people to lose on average of 5% of their body weight?
72. Who has been appointed as United States first Ambassador to Burma in 22 years?

Derek Mitchell Read More
73. Expand IPCC
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
74. In which year IPCC was awarded Nobel Peace Prize for “their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change”?
75. What is the significance of Montreal Protocol?
An International treaty d esigned to protect the ozone layer b y phasing out the production
of numerous substances believed to be responsible for ozone depletion.
76. What was the objective of International environment treaty UNFCCC?
To stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.
77. Which is the only remain ing signator y who has not ratified Kyoto Protocol?
United States of America (USA)
78. When was the Indian National Congress established?
28th December 1885
79. Who was responsible for establishing Indian National Congress?
80. Who was the first president of Indian National Congress (INC)?
81. What is the meaning of the word ”Congress”?
Assembly of the People
82. Who suggested the word Congress for “Indian National Congress”?
Dadabhai Naoroji
83. When was East Indian Association formed?
84. What is the significance of “Durand Line Agreement” between the Colonial British India and Afghanistan which was established in 1893?
An agreement not to exercise interference beyond the frontier line between Afghanistan and colonial British India (Now Pakistan)
85. When was the National Geographic Society established?
1888 in United States
86. Why don’t we feel the movement of earth?
Because the spinning and orbital speed of the earth stays the same so acceleration or deceleration is not felt
87. Where will you end up, if you are in Jaisalmer (In dia) and you are able to dig through the Earth?
Easter Island
88. What was the result of collision of Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate?
The formation of Himalayas
89. What is the other name given to the world’s largest island “Greenland”?
Kalaallit Nunaat
90. Which part of the land of the world is said to be the lowest point?
It is at the Dead Sea on the border o f Israel and Jordan 1312 feel below sea level
91. Which is the world’s third -tallest mountain?
Kanchenjunga, Nepal/Tibet
92. What are pouched mammals called?
93. Which is the smallest mammal in the world?
Bumblebee bat weighs 1. 98 grams
94. Name the organelles present in the eukaryotic cells which are responsible to metabolize and eliminate toxic substance from the cells?
Perox isome
95. What are the basic functions of Lymphatic Sy stem in Human Body?
To defend the body against foreign or ganisms such as bacteria and virus and to transport interstitial fluid and substances from the digestive system into the blood stream
96. What is the name given to the bone of the fingers or toes?
97. Which type of fish feeds on ocean vegetation or corals?
98. Which is the largest species of turtle alive today?
Leatherback Turtle which can reach a total length of 8.2 feet with a weight of 680kgs
99. What is the permanent memor y built in computer called?
100. VIRUS stands for?
Vital Information Resource under Siege
101. How are data organized in a spreadsheet?
Rows and Columns
102. What is the process used to recall a document saved previously called?
103. The term that we use to describe physical components of a computer is called?
104. Which command reboots a computer?
105. Expand WWW.
World Wide Web
106. “Zipping” a file means?
Compressing the Message
107. What is objective of UPS?
Provides backup power
108. Modem speeds are measured in ____
109. MPIS stands for?
Million Instructions per Second
110. Numbers are stored and transmitted inside a computer in _______ form
111. What is the address given to a computer connected to a network called?
IP Address
112. Biometric is a _____device.
113. Memory is made up of ?
Thousands of cells
114. Who built the first mechanical calculator?
115. The basic operations performed by computer are?
Arithmetic, Logical & Storage operations
116. Which combination of keys needs to be pressed to make a percent sign?
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